The displacement technique: a simple method for clearing maxillary sinus stubborn mucus.

TitleThe displacement technique: a simple method for clearing maxillary sinus stubborn mucus.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSamargandy S, Lee DJ, Lee JM
JournalEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
Date Published2021 Aug
KeywordsEndoscopy, Humans, Maxillary Sinus, Mucus, Orbit, Respiratory System

BACKGROUND: Clearing thick secretions from the hidden crevices of the maxillary sinus can be challenging and can increase operative time during endoscopic sinus surgery.

METHODS: We demonstrate the Displacement Technique as a user-friendly technique to address thick secretions within the maxillary sinus barring no orbital floor dehiscence. First, a wide maxillary antrostomy is performed. Then, a surgical pledget is placed in the maxillary sinus to displace the inspissated content into the nasal cavity using a curved suction. This process is repeated as necessary.

CONCLUSION: The displacement technique is a simple and inexpensive method for addressing stubborn secretions.

Alternate JournalEur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
PubMed ID34014361
Faculty Reference: 
Shireen Samargandy