The Quest for a DISE Protocol.

TitleThe Quest for a DISE Protocol.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMooney KL, Peterson MBrooks, Skirko JR, Friedman NR
JournalOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Date Published2021 Aug 17

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this quality initiative project was to modify our existing institutional drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) protocol so that the surgeon could consistently determine obstructive breathing patterns while minimizing children's discomfort.

METHODS: A quality initiative study utilizing the well-described plan-do-study-act (PDSA) process was conducted at a tertiary hospital for children with polysomnogram-documented obstructive sleep apnea who were undergoing DISE. A 4-point Likert measurement tool was created. Change in each Likert rating with subsequent PDSA cycle was tested with the Wilcoxon rank sum test (Mann-Whitney), and change across all PDSA cycles was tested with the Kruskal-Wallis equality-of-populations rank test.

RESULTS: After a series of 4 PDSA cycles with 81 children, the DISE protocol was streamlined from 14 to 9 steps. There was significant improvement for all aspects of the DISE, with a final overall median rating of 1 (excellent) for intravenous (IV) placement, scope insertion, and anesthesiologist and surgeon satisfaction ( < .01).

DISCUSSION: For sleep surgeons, DISE is quickly becoming what bronchoscopy is to the airway surgeon. Utilizing inhalational agents to obtain IV access and insert the flexible scope in the rapid "on-off" fashion optimizes DISE success regardless of the primary sedation medication and allows ample time for these agents to dissipate.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Adoption of a DISE protocol that includes nasal premedication and inhalational volatile gases for IV and scope insertion at the onset provides a more predictable level of sedation that is well tolerated by the patient, enabling the otolaryngologist to create an obstructive sleep apnea treatment plan.

Alternate JournalOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg
PubMed ID34399647
Faculty Reference: 
Jonathan Skirko, MD, MHPA, MPH