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In-office serial intralesional steroid injection for subglottic stenosis: Case series of 14 patients with multiple etiologies.. World J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 11(1):17-22.
2025. Vocal cord dysfunction: Does laryngeal adduction on laryngoscopy predict disease severity and response to laryngeal retraining therapy? Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 9(6):e70039.
2024. Risk of Malocclusion Among Patients Undergoing Single-Stage Versus Two-Stage Cleft Palate Repair.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 59(10):1271-1278.
2022. Bone Grafting of Alveolar Clefts.. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 33(2):231-238.
2021. Management of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Cleft Patients With and Without Multidisciplinary Team Care.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 58(4):479-488.
2021. Oronasal Fistula Risk After Palate Repair.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 58(1):35-41.
2021. The Quest for a DISE Protocol.. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. :1945998211036645.
2021. Radiofrequency Ablation vs Electrocautery Blinded Randomized Trial: Impact on Clinically Meaningful Outcomes.. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 164(6):1186-1192.
2021. Association of Allergic Rhinitis With Change in Nasal Congestion in New Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Users.. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 146(6):523-529.
2020. The Case of the Missing Nose: Congenital Arhinia Case Presentation and Management Recommendations.. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 129(7):645-648.
2020. Development of a Sleep Apnea-Specific Health State Utility Algorithm.. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 146(3):270-277.
2020. Ecuadorian Spanish translation and validation of the VELO quality of life instrument.. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 138:110312.
2020. Family Experience With Pierre Robin Sequence: A Qualitative Study.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 57(6):736-745.
2020. Brazilian-Portuguese Linguistic Validation of the Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Effects on Life Outcome Instrument.. J Craniofac Surg. 30(8):2308-2312.
2019. Management of midnasal stenosis with infant surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (iSARPE).. Laryngoscope. 129(5):1211-1214.
2019. Measuring Patient-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in Velopharyngeal Insufficiency: Reliability and Validity of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the VELO Instrument.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 56(9):1195-1205.
2019. Validation of the Chinese Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Effects on Life Outcomes Instrument.. Laryngoscope. 129(11):E395-E401.
2019. Spanish Linguistic Validation of the Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Effects on Life Outcomes: VELO-Spanish.. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 6(11):e1986.
2018. Unilateral Hearing Loss in Youth: Development of Candidate Items for a Condition-Specific Validated Instrument.. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. :194599818797092.