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Chang EH, Willis AL, McCrary HC, Noutsios GT, Le CH, Chiu AG, Mansfield CJ, Reed DR, Brooks SG, Adappa ND et al..  2017.  Association between the CDHR3 rs6967330 risk allele and chronic rhinosinusitis.. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 139(6):1990-1992.e2.
Vila PM, Thomas T, Liu C, Poe D, Shin JJ.  2017.  The Burden and Epidemiology of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in Adults.. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 156(2):278-284.
Noutsios GT, Willis AL, Ledford JG, Chang EH.  2017.  Novel role of surfactant protein A in bacterial sinusitis.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 7(9):897-903.
Bearelly S, Wang SJ, Cheung SW.  2017.  Oral sensory dysfunction following radiotherapy.. Laryngoscope. 127(10):2282-2286.
Calton JB, Koripella PC, Willis AL, Le CH, Chiu AG, Chang EH.  2017.  Paranasal sinus size is decreased in CFTR heterozygotes with chronic rhinosinusitis.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 7(3):256-260.
Fakhry C, Westra WH, Wang SJ, van Zante A, Zhang Y, Rettig E, Yin LX, Ryan WR, Ha PK, Wentz A et al..  2017.  The prognostic role of sex, race, and human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal and nonoropharyngeal head and neck squamous cell cancer.. Cancer. 123(9):1566-1575.
C Liu C, Livingstone D, Yunker WK.  2017.  The role of bone conduction hearing aids in congenital unilateral hearing loss: A systematic review.. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 94:45-51.
Kashat L, Le CH, Chiu AG.  2017.  The Role of Targeted Therapy in the Management of Sinonasal Malignancies.. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 50(2):443-455.
Levy JM, Smith SShintani, Varshney R, Chang EH, Ramakrishnan VR, Ting JY, Bleier BS.  2017.  Trends in sinusitis research: a systematic review of extramural funding.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 7(11):1104-1107.
Naunheim M, Wu X, Ryan WR, Wang SJ, Heaton CM.  2017.  Volumetric Growth Rate of Recurrent Pleomorphic Adenoma.. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 126(7):544-547.
